» Business Advice » Oprah Winfrey | 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

Oprah Winfrey | 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

Oprah Winfrey | 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

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Oprah Winfrey - 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

all of you leaving here have the.

potential for enormous success there's a.

price that comes with that first and.

foremost knowing who you are knowing who.

you are being able to answer this.

question Who am I and what do I want I'm.

asking the bigger question.

Who am I really and what do I want I.

don't want to just be successful in the.


I don't want to just make a mark or have.

a legacy the answer to that question for.

me is I want to fulfill the highest.

truest expression of myself as a human.


you must have some kind of vision for.

your life even if you don't know the.

plan you have to have a direction in.

which you choose to go you want to be in.

the driver's seat of your own life.

because if you're not life will drive.

you knowing who you really are.

in this space and time that we embody.

you must find a way to serve Martin.

Luther King said that not everybody can.

be famous but everybody can be great.

because greatness is determined by.

service now we live in a world where.

everybody wants to be famous.

and where we admire people for just.

being famous we think being known brings.

us value the truth is all of that will.

fade in time in three years you won't be.

able to name the housewives a banana the.

real truth is that service and.

significance service and the.

significance that you bring to your.

service is that which is lasting when.

you shift the paradigm of whatever it is.

you choose to do to service and you.

bring significance to that success will.

I promise you follow you service and.

significance equals success here's the.

key learn from every mistake because.

every experience encounter and.

particularly your mistakes are there to.

cheat you and force you into being more.

of who you are and then figure out what.

is the next right move what is your true.


what is your Dharma what is your purpose.

all of you leaving here have the.

potential for enormous success there's a.

price that comes with that people don't.

always like you and they're not always.

happy for you and if you surround.

yourself with people who are not.

accustom to your success they become.

fearful they become scared because you.

are reflecting back something to them.

that they don't recognize people who.

want the best for you who want you to be.

your best so my greatest advice to you.

is to surround yourself with people who.

are going to fill your cup until your.

cup runneth over and what I know for.

sure is that the biggest choices begin.

and end with you your internal big.

questions who do I want to be in the.

world be excellent people notice let.

excellence be your brand.

everybody talks about building a brand I.

never even knew what that was when.

people say you're a brand I would say no.

I'm just Oprah what I recognize now is.

that my choice.

to it every way in every example in.

every experience to do the right thing.

and the excellent thing is what has.

created the brand.
